08 March 2017

To All The Girls

This one is for all the girls, for all the women I have known in my life.

The highest honour, glory, praise and thanks to the one who gave me birth, who nurtured me at her bosom with sweat, tears, blood and love: my mother.

My blessings and love to the girl who was and is my greatest friend and enemy at the same time, playmate, sounding board, advocate and support: my sister.

My warmest hugs to the 2 women who pampered me silly each time I was in their company, who made feel special and shared their stories and vast experience: my grandmas.

My thoughts and prayers for the woman who looked after me when my mother needed to work, taught me to write, to read and to pray at that tender age: my nanny.

My utmost respect to the group of women who gave me the most priceless gift of all, education and for giving me something far beyond that, the values and lessons of life which made me the person I am today: my teachers.

My greatest thanks to the women who I met at different points of time in life: in school, in college, at work and at play; who shared their unique perspective, surprised me, consoled me, encouraged me, laughed and joked with me in all these years and continue to be an integral part of my life: my friends.

My deepest love to the woman who brought meaning to my existence, significance to my actions and founded my new family with me, she makes each day special and each day is a celebration with her by my side, she stands by me in my joys and closer in my sorrows and gives me a reason to be romantic each day: my wife.

And finally to the girl who made my life complete by her coming into this world, who each day reminds me of the best I can be for the world and who brings a smile on my lips and joy in my heart each time I think of her: my daughter.
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