On known paths with unknown people
And found myself where I once was
Struggling; yet happy.
Cause in all that chaos and rush
Within that big red bus
Came to my mind like chimes
Words flowing in child-like rhymes
On love, on life and everything in between
That my boyish eyes had seen.
On those roads and in those strangers
I searched for a wonderland.
I looked for a faithful band.
And on whoever each word, each rhyme I penned
Their story found a fitting end.
But all that the places and people ever actually did
Was remind me of how all my dreams were a fib.
In the eyes of those strangers there were tears of sorrow
And dreams so naive, like mine, of a tomorrow
When everything would be better.
And it seemed so hopeless: that hope in their eyes,
Which held the pain of today in disguise.
And I asked myself, "What wrong have we done
To deserve a today which has no tomorrow?"
And snap! went away my dreams and my rhymes
And all my hope of the better times
Never to return: at least that's what I thought
Until fate as you have it, back me it brought
To those familiar roads and unfamiliar audience
And I found the fruit of words in my silence
The fruit of joy in my sorrow
And in today the purpose of my tomorrow.